31 Replies to “Turkish Airlines Flight Safety Film”

  1. Respond to this video… mal mal yorumlar yapmışlar bu gavurlar adamı hacker eder başka da bi halta yaramaz hackliyceksin youtube u daha siyasi laf atmaları kalmiycak ermenilere istediğini yazıcaksın ooh mis

  2. @Rowan616

    Don’t be jealous. She is more beautiful then your mother xD
    And then your grandmother
    and your grandmother’s mother and … thrust me infidel !

  3. İt is awsome.and you guys must be understand That.we are not like any nation.we are good peoples.don t hate us.dış we sleve Black peoples,take The gold and other Things to our country from africa,kill natives in america(S and N).NO! AND İS SOMEBODY MUST BE UGLY,İT MUST BE WEST!!! THY ile uçmayın diyen yavsak.sözüm sana.suslan at agizli!

  4. Turkish Airlines has 4th biggest air crash in all aviation historry. 346 died in france 4 march 1974. 14 big crash too since, which make 600 + dead. It was forbidden to fly europe a while. Be safe, Dont fly with Turkish Airlines.

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